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Dunia Perpustakaan | Informasi Lengkap Seputar Dunia Perpustakaan: April 2019

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Lowongan Kerja Pustakawan di Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Dunia Perpustakaan | Lowongan Pustakawan | Informasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Biro Umum dan Sumber Daya Manusia Universitas Pendidikan Muhammdiyah Sorong (UNIMUDA) Sorong membuka kesempatan berkarir sebagai pegawai kontrak untuk ditempatkan sebagai staf perpusatkaan pusat UNIMUDA Sorong (dibutuhkan 2 orang) dengan kualifikasi berikut:

Persyaratan Umum
1. taat beribada
2. berpengalaman kerja minimal satu tahun dibidang yang sama
3. memiliki integritas, jujur dan dedikasi tinggi
4. diutamakan mampu berbahasa inggris
5. inovatif dan kreatif
6. usia maksimal 30 tahun
7. tidak merokok

Untuk lebih lengkapnya Sumber

Deadline10 Mei 2019


Lowongan Kerja Pustakawan di Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Dunia Perpustakaan | Lowongan Pustakawan | Informasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Universitas Perjuangan Tasik Malaya

Deadline 1 Mei 2019

1. Warga Negara Indonesia Maks, 30th
2. Surat Lamaran dan CV
3. Fotokopi Ijazah & transkrip nilai
4. D2/S1 Perpustakaan
5. Pas Foto 3x4 bewarna (2 Lembar)
6. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
7. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pegawai di Instansi lain

Tahapan seleksi
1. Psikotest
2. Wawancara

Lamaran dikirim ke Jl. Pembela Tanah Air (PETA) No. 177 Kahuripan, Kota Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 46115



Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lowongan Kerja Pustakawan di Bali Island School

Dunia Perpustakaan | Lowongan Pustakawan | Informasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Bali Island School

Working at BIS

In order to qualify as a teacher at BIS, you must have:

  • A degree in the subject you are teaching (Secondary) or an appropriate education degree (Primary)
  • A teaching qualification/certification
  • A minimum of 5 years teaching experience (from the time your degree was obtained)
  • Have police background checks from 18 years old to present
  • Comply with the CIS Code of Ethics and sign the BIS Code of Conduct
As an IB World School, preference will be given to teachers with previous IB experience and/or experience in international schools.

It may be important for candidates to note that only one dependent per teacher is supported within the teacher contract, and pets may not be transported into Bali (following Indonesian law).

In alignment with the recommendations of the International Task Force on Child Protection, we hold ourselves to a high standard of effective recruiting practices with a focus on child protection

- Minimum a Bachelor Degree holder with qualification in librarian, teacher, or - management.
- With at least 1 year relevant experiences.
- Must be proficient in the English language, both written and spoken.
- Computer literate/appropriate technology skills.
- Willingness and ability to work with students from age 3 to Grade 12.
- Demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team.
- Possess sufficient mobility to monitor students and manage behavior of students in non-classroom situations.
- Ability to learn the library classification and cataloging system.
- Ability to lift light items (maximum 5 kg).
- Punctuality and adherence to a schedule.

Key Responsibilities/Duties:
1.       Maintaining the organization, dissemination, acquisition and use of library materials, both in print and digital versions.
2.       Under supervision of the Librarian ordering collection and selecting library resources in consultation with teachers and students.
3.       Working with teachers to collect and circulate library educational items teachers need for their teaching and learning (throughout campus).
4.       Organizing and shelving returned library materials (ability to learn classification and cataloging system essential).
5.       Supervising and assisting students of all ages who are using the library throughout the school day.
6.       Assist students and teachers in the usage of the library catalogue effectively.
7.       Contribute to library setup, signage, display and promotion.
8.       Daily snack and lunch time supervision (occasional).
9.       Daily after school supervision of students (2:45 – 4.00).
10.   Processing and repair of library materials.
11.   Assist the Librarian in conducting annual inventory on the collections at the end of the school year.
12.   Follow up lost or overdue books and notifying the relevant units (primary/secondary/ finance).
13.   Creating/duplicating relevant library documents.
14.   Willingness to learn the library culture and literature appreciation as well as relevant technologies within the library.
15.   Other duties as required by Head of School and/or supervisor.

Please apply to the HR Manager at hr@baliis.net
